Wagor Baseball Team Applies Skills as International Volunteers at WBC World Baseball Classic.
2023年第五屆世界棒球經典賽(WBC)A組賽事於臺灣時間3月8日晚間點燃戰火 ,爆滿的球迷湧入臺中洲際棒球場,準備一賭國際棒球盛事WBC世界棒球經典賽。
臺中葳格國際學校致力培育國際人才,不僅提供學習外語環境, 在國際素養的養成更是不遺餘力, 無論是校內體育課推動雙語教學,或是棒球隊國際間的交流,如日本沖繩移地訓練、海峽兩岸高中棒球社團邀請賽等,都鼓勵孩子們走出台灣,讓興趣成為與世界溝通的方式。
葳格國際學校高中部棒球隊羅O維同學表示「我們在學校體育課是實施雙語教學,所以對於如何幫選手加油 ,或是基本的運動術語,都有基本概念,因此在球場上看到外國人,也比較不陌生,能夠對談自如,這是我參與本次志工活動的動機」。
本次投入開幕式的志工,不僅是一時之選,也特別加強練習,在烈日下站立,練習體能、舉旗等。為求有充足的體能 ,才能夠在開幕式中展現完美的一面,而這也是學習面對事情,做好自己的一種態度。
葳格國際學校家長會長陳志銓表示「學校非常支持孩子們參與國際性的活動,特別是志工部分,看似小螺絲的角色,卻是缺一不可;同時藉由參與國際性的活動,讓孩子們體驗大場面, 反思學以致用的重要性,我的孩子也是學校棒球隊球員,此次能參與難得的國際賽事與志工奉獻,這對孩子來說著實落實國際教育及全人發展,並在學習旅程上記錄精彩回憶,原來,體育與世界連結是令人振奮的」。
The 5th World Baseball Classic (WBC) tournament for Group A begins on March 8th, 2023, in Taiwan. The opening ceremony includes the flags marching of the five participating countries, including Taiwan, Cuba, the Netherlands, Italy, and Panama, carried into the stadium by international volunteers. One of the volunteers, Lin, Junzhe, a student from the high school baseball team at Wagor International School, expressed his excitement about being involved in the event and hoped to learn about different baseball cultures from other countries.
Wagor International School in Taichung is dedicated to cultivating international talent and providing a bilingual learning environment to promote international literacy. The school encourages its students to participate in international events, such as the Okinawa Training Camp in Japan and the Cross-Strait High School Baseball Club Invitational, to expand their interests and communicate with the world. Another student from the baseball team, Luo, Ziwei, mentioned that the bilingual teaching in physical education classes made it easier to communicate with foreign players and cheer for them in the game. The volunteers also had to practice standing in the sun for a long time, and the experience taught them the importance of facing challenges and improving their abilities.
The president Chen from the parent association of Wagor International School believes that participating in international events is essential for students' development, and it is a valuable opportunity for their children to practice what they have learned in school and record unforgettable memories in their learning journey.
We express our gratitude to the founders, board of directors, parents' association chairman, and parent committee for their unwavering support and acknowledgement of the remarkable achievements of Wagor students.