Dear Parents,
Wagor International School Elementary School – Beitun Campus would like to thank you for your continual support. We are officially opening registration for the Grade One Admittance Activity for the 2025 school year (114 academic year).
Our classes filled up quickly last year, and the number of available spots is limited. We encourage you to register online as soon as possible.
〈參加對象 | Registration Requirements:〉
The child(ren) must be 6 years old (born between September 2nd, 2018, and September 1st, 2019).
〈活動日期 │ Activity Dates〉
小一新生體驗營第一梯次 113年12月21日(星期六) 上午8:00~12:00
Grade One Admittance Activity Session 1:December 21st, 2024 (Saturday) 8:00AM to 12:00PM
小一新生體驗營第二梯次 114年02月15日(星期六) 上午8:00~12:00
Grade One Admittance Activity Session 2:February 15th, 2025 (Saturday) 8:00AM to 12:00PM
小一新生體驗營第三梯次 114年03月29日(星期六) 上午8:00~12:00
Grade One Admittance Activity Session 3: March 29th, 2025 (Saturday) 8:00AM to 12:00PM
〈活動內容 │ Events〉
一、美語能力、數學力評量English/Math Performance Evaluation
二、辦學說明會Mission Statement Presentation
〈報名費用 │ Registration Fee〉
Due to administrative procedures, no refunds will be issued once registration and payment are completed, unless under force majeure circumstances.
若您想進一步了解葳格國際學校,歡迎來電【北屯校區(04)2437-1728 #790 #796】
If you would like to learn more about Wagor International School, please feel free to contact us at:
Beitun Campus : 04-24371728 ext. 790 or 796
Line ID: @440lmxbb