🦃|Happy Thanksgiving|🦃
Gobble Gobble! 每年11月的第四個星期四是感恩節,為了迎接這個充滿愛與分享的節日,葳格外語部主辦了一系列的慶祝活動,將秋冬交替的寒冷季節轉化成難忘的溫暖回憶!
在ESL英文課程中,同學們將想感謝的人、事、物寫上葉子造型的小卡片上🍁 這些滿載心意的葉子匯聚起來,在校園化身成一顆感恩樹🌲
本週晨會,李海碩校長、家長會蕭秀玉會長與全校師生相聚在一起,由 Tr. Jesse 和 Tr. Michelle 主持,揭開感恩節教學的重頭戲✨ 大家聆聽了有關感恩節的由來與精神的故事👂 被抽中的同學上台分享了自己的感恩短句,用真摯的話語傳遞心中的愛👍
感謝家長委員會準備香噴噴的烤火雞🍗 滿足孩子的胃與心靈!秀玉會長加碼致贈全體教職同仁冷泡茶,給予我們最細膩的關愛🍵 何永全副創辦人、李海碩總校長則特別邀請外師們共享感恩節宴席,讓外師們感受到如家一般的過節氛圍😋 全校師生歡笑不斷,度過了幸福的一天🧡
Wagor Elementary School - Beitun Campus celebrated Thanksgiving with activities that fostered love and sharing. 🥳
In our English classes, students wrote heartfelt messages of gratitude on leaf-shaped cards, which were displayed on our “Tree of Thanksgiving” on campus. 🍁 During the morning assembly, the principal and PTA president joined the school community as Tr. Jesse and Tr. Michelle hosted a storytelling session about the origins and meaning of Thanksgiving. Students also shared their messages of gratitude, spreading warmth and positivity throughout the event. 👍🏻
A big shoutout to the PTA for preparing a delicious roast turkey for everyone to enjoy! 🍗 The PTA president also showed their appreciation by gifting all staff members a bottle of refreshing cold brew tea. 🍵 To make the day even more special, the principal invited the foreign teachers to join a Thanksgiving feast, creating a warm and festive atmosphere that truly felt like home. 😋
The day was filled with laughter, joy, and cherished memories for everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving!