「#培養自學力」將把學習的主動權還給孩子,透過適當的引導,讓孩子學會獨立思考與判斷,一直是葳格主導教育方針之一,本次說明會除了有課程特色說明、葳格教育理念及iPad實作課程外,還特加入「WAGOR TALENT SHOW」的表演,讓家長們更直接現場感受葳格學子表演的張力及現場反應能力,學校給予適當的舞台,提供多元才能展現的發展空間,讓孩子在不同的社團活動中探索並發展自己的專長。
「#引導加上傾聽與孩子互為學習夥伴」,這是葳格國際學校吳執董在說明會上強調的重點,透過引導溝通的方式來提升孩子的邏輯思考與強化論述表達能力,集結 #多元素養核心整合跨域學習課程,提供 #完善優質的學習品質及環境是葳格的教育理念與堅守的堡壘。
The Wagor International School held a successful open day for their primary school intake, with Principal Xiao and Vice Principal Huang outlining the school's educational philosophy of promoting self-learning and guiding children to become independent thinkers. The event included a showcase of the school's curriculum, iPad workshops, and a talent show to demonstrate the students' abilities in different fields. Superintendent Lee emphasized the importance of communication and partnership between parents and the school to enhance children's logical thinking and communication skills. The school prides itself on its integrated cross-disciplinary curriculum, providing a high-quality learning environment and supporting students' diverse interests and talents. As a leading educational institution, the Wagor International School is committed to being a supportive partner for parents and students to achieve their future goals.