#密涅瓦大學(Minerva University)為WURI 2022於世界最創新排行榜(Global Top 100 Innovative Universities)與業界應用(Top 50 - Industrial Application)排行榜之全球雙冠王。
Minerva大學決策科學分析研究所Geneva Stein所長於4/20晚間蒞臨葳格國際會議中心,為中區有識之士開辦人工智慧講座。本場次是Minerva研究所所長首次訪台,也是台中唯一的公開場次。
在今晚的分享中,professor Stein首先分享了Minerva MDA研究所課程的簡介,並與葳格國際學校的家長與學子們分享研究所課程的設計概要與方向,之後並暢談自己的觀點中ChatGPT對教育的影響。在Professor Stein的觀點中,一開始就確定ChatGPT是不可禁用的,但是應該要使用相關的決策思考模式來確保決策的品質。在演講中,所長分享了 #WRAP決策模型,一開始先讓 #選擇更多元(widen options)、接下來進行 #現實測驗(Reality Test Assumptions),以 #捷思法了解自己的假設是否有現實證據支持、第三步是在決定前 #去除情緒干擾(Attain distance before deciding)、最後一步則是為 #錯誤做好準備(prepared to be wrong),透過WRAP模型,ChatGPT的使用者可以對於人工智慧所提供的答案保持更客觀的觀點。教授並更進一步以Minerva課堂中所發生的狀況來說明要如何應用學習原則在人工智慧的應用上,讓人工智慧與學習達成更好的平衡。
#Minerva University has been crowned the global champion in both the World's Top 100 Innovative Universities and Top 50 Industrial Applications rankings in the 2022 WURI rankings. On the evening of April 20th, Geneva Stein, the Head Instructor of the Graduate School of the Science of the Decision Analysis at Minerva University, visited Wagor International Conference Center to give a lecture on artificial intelligence for knowledgeable individuals in central Taiwan. This event marked the first visit of the Head Instructor of the Minerva University in Taiwan and the only public session in Taichung.
In tonight's sharing session, Professor Stein began by providing an overview of the Minerva MDA Institute's curriculum, and then shared the general design and direction of the program with Wagor International School's parents and students. She also discussed her views on the impact of ChatGPT on education. In Professor Stein's perspective, it is important to acknowledge that ChatGPT cannot be banned, but rather, relevant decision-making thought processes should be employed to ensure the quality of decisions. During the lecture, the director shared the WRAP decision-making model, which involves first widening options, then conducting a reality test of assumptions using the Ladder of Inference, followed by attaining distance before deciding to remove emotional interference, and finally being prepared to be wrong. Through the WRAP model, ChatGPT users can maintain a more objective view of the answers provided by artificial intelligence. The professor went on to illustrate how learning principles should be applied in the use of artificial intelligence using scenarios from Minerva classrooms, achieving a better balance between artificial intelligence and learning.
Wagor International School has always focused on innovative, international, and holistic education as its three main development dimensions. This lecture saw the participation of principals, teachers, parents, and students from all Wagor campuses, including kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools, and international departments. Special thanks go to President Chen from the PTA of the middle school division and his wife for their full support throughout the event. After this lecture, Wagor is more confident in the direction of learning in the age of artificial intelligence and has reduced much of the uncertainty and fear stemming from the unknown. From technological innovations in artificial intelligence to top international educational perspectives, all can be found at Wagor International School!