密涅瓦大學為WURI 2022於世界最創新排行榜(Global Top 100 Innovative Universities)與業界應用(Top 50 - Industrial Application)排行榜之全球雙冠王。
葳格國際學校有幸於其決策分析科學研究所(Master of Decision
Analysis)所長Geneva Stein本次訪台行程中,安排於寶麗金國際宴會廳市政店進行台中學術交流午宴。感恩中興大學、逢甲大學、東海大學、靜宜大學、亞洲大學、勤益科技大學、朝陽科技大學、弘光科技大學共襄盛舉,進行中台灣高中與大學學術資源整合與國際數位創新教學相關討論。
會中來自各大學的教授與葳格國際學校的李海碩總校長、國際部柳立慈校長、與中學部張祝芬校長,以及來自 #世界觀學院 的黃禮宏引導師,對於台灣數位教育以及高中、大學相關可進行合作與引導的方向皆有深入的交流,並期待能夠透過聯繫渠道的建立,讓中台灣的國際學術合作可以開啟新的篇章。
李海碩總校長表示這是 #Minerva所長 第一次蒞臨台中,葳格國際學校很榮幸能有機會與台中各大學的長官與體系內的教育夥伴共襄盛舉,並期待未來能有更頻繁、更深入的交流。也歡迎各界希望能夠在少子化的時代攜手前行的夥伴,與葳格國際學校建立互惠、互信、共好的關係。
Minerva University has been crowned the global champion in both the World's Top 100 Innovative Universities and Top 50 Industrial Applications rankings in the 2022 WURI rankings.
Wagor International School was honored to host a luncheon for academic exchange in Taichung at the Polygram International Banquet Hall during the visit of Geneva Stein, the Director of the Master of Decision Analysis program at Minerva University. We are grateful to National Chung Hsing University, Feng Chia University, Tunghai University, Providence University, Asia University, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Chaoyang University of Technology, and Hungkuang University for their participation in discussions related to integrating academic resources in central Taiwan and international digital innovation in education.
During the event, professors from various universities, together with Wagor International School's Superintendent Roy Lee, International Division Principal Liz Lu, and Middle School Principal Christine Chang, as well as Worldview Academy's Facilitator Leon Huang, engaged in in-depth discussions on the direction of cooperation and guidance for digital education in Taiwan and relevant high school and university collaborations. They look forward to opening a new chapter in international academic cooperation in central Taiwan through the establishment of communication channels.
Superintendent Roy Lee stated that this is the first time the head instructor of Minerva has visited Taichung, and Wagor International School is honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with the leaders and education partners of various universities in Taichung. They look forward to more frequent and in-depth exchanges in the future. They also welcome partners who wish to join hands in the era of low birthrates to establish a relationship of mutual benefit, trust, and shared interests with Wagor International School.