
【從模仿到超越 結合AI科技輔助學習】

From Imitation to Innovation Combining AI Technology to Assist Learning

AI輔助學習融入課程教學,以歷史相關文物清明上河圖為主體架構,人、事、時、地物,搭配Chat GPT支援修飾陳述翻譯,並結合Midjourney完成圖示。


葳格以核心素養為主( core competency),培育學生擁有適應現在生活及面對未來挑戰,應該具備知識、能力與態度。將課程融入生活面體驗累積知識,並自然而然的學習。

Wagor uses AI technology to assist learning in a course focused on the historical artifact "Qingming Shanghe Tu (晴明上河圖)". The program uses Chat GPT to support translation and Midjourney for illustration. Through corresponding extension assignments and teamwork, students can enhance their language presentation and logical abilities as well as their AI operation skills. The course aims to cultivate students' core competencies and equip them with the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes to adapt to present and future challenges.